Monday, 27 February 2017

Day as it would be 27 Feb

These predictions are general in nature and person born in the first quarter of the month is likely to feel these predictions more associating than others. For further assistance

Aries (Mar 20-Apr 18): There are chances of you encountering someone who can influence you and your thoughts to a large extent, be cautious, about the day and events, and ensure that you don't spell out your plans or proposals. Partner is likely to be very understanding and cooperative.

Taurus (Apr 19-May 19): Life at family is likely to behave normal today. But you would be in charming mood and team work, or engaging people in performing/completing tasks would ease out things. Time to realise your potential and reconciling your confidence.

Gemini (May 20-Jun 20): Your patience is likely to be tested to maximum today, family would be demanding your presence and attention.

At work, you need to boost up yourself, as today is the day, when your skills/ability to perform is likely to be tested. Keeping your cool, will be great tool to pave out your way, from the difficult times.

Cancer (Jun 21-Jul 21): Disarray, may be finding a dimension today, someone is likely to behave as messiah and would smoothen out the things.

At work, need to careful about the expression.

Leo (Jul 22-Aug 21): You are likely to have good times with your mate/partner/spouse today.

There would be someone who would extend help at work place, things are likely to ease out.

Virgo (Aug 22-Sep 21): Need to be careful about any misunderstandings, as this is not just affecting you at home and work, is likely to lead into something not good. Be careful and cautious about the events, and heed utmost attention, in what so ever you are doing.

Libra (Sep 22-Oct 22): Romance and affection is likely to be flowing your way today.

At work, things would be easy and smooth, just be careful of not over stepping into someone else's domain.

Scorpio (Oct 23- Nov 20): Today would be a day of mixed baggage at home, where your intellect is gonna be fetching you accolades your carefree attitude can behave negative.

You would be in a charming mood, and is likely, to put out your best. Be careful, as someone may not had a good day.

Sagittarius (Nov 21-Dec 20) : Today is the time when you would have to make certain decisions in your life, which are likely to take your life in all together different path. You are at threshold of things, have to take one path and leave the other for ever, keeping all options open is likely to end today, and if you defer your decision, the things are likely to end up in jeopardy.

Capricorn (Dec 21-Jan 19): Avoiding gossip mongers would be wise today, pay attention to your inner voice, things would lighten up. Your gut feeling is likely to lead you into having a clearer view, which may or may not be charming but would be truth.

Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18): Be wise in your decisions, don't be emotional in your choice, as it can lead into more murky waters. Heavenly energies are likely to lend you torch during dark phase.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 19): Illicit or secretive relation is likely to come up for you today, be cautious of any admissions, as it can lead to dismissal of something close and sincere.

Don't let your gooey and mushy temperament of home, disturb you at work. Be careful of expressions and try to hold the mood swings. 

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