The science of mantras
Since the medieval times, there has been quest of the humans to better themselves and also better their ways and patterns of life, the science of mantras/ rhymes/ phonetics is also dated to those times, as they were the research conclusions which were made by seers and sages who undertook the task of changing the way the life is behaving. This research was not only constrained to the human(s) only, it explored further to the environment which was laying its impact on the human in singular and on its habitation in plural, but was definitely laying an impact. The seers with their research and comprehensions, laid out certain rhymes which were task specific and also were for general well being, which in todays terminology is “mantras”. These mantras, have the capacity and capabilities of changing the thing for which they are engaged and when done in specific and specified manner, are also result yielding, which takes care of the issues which a particular human would be facing and also if there are problems for the entire habitat, then there are separate set of mantras and procedures which deal with those issues. Like in the science of mantras, there are mantras for almost all of the things or problems which a human as an individual would be facing, like if there is infertility problem (which can be in man or woman, for either of them there are separate sets of mantras) then a specific type of mantras are engaged in a specific manner, and the desired results are obtained.
But there are contests to the theory of mantras, as the scientists have not been able to find any resolute in the results for which the mantra was engaged, which is true to a certain extent, as it is not known whether the person who was reciting/ chanting the mantra was exercising in its correct value, as if a person doesn’t follows the correct procedure of how to administer the medicine, the chemical of the medicine will have no result on the individual, at least the positive one. As mantras are not words, but are depicted by words, so it is on the understanding of the individual of how to pronounce or sing the mantras. Mantras are like sounds which are universal in nature, but in order to make them accessible to all, the have been expressed in words, but when they are to be employed or engaged in for a specific chore, then the principles of sound is to be used and they are be uttered in that manner only, and if not, then there are hardly any benefits which can be extraverted of them.
In the old hindu systems and also in most of other similar schools of thoughts, like buddhism, muslim or even christianity, the pronunciations play a pivotal role, as these pronunciations define the result of the prayer/wish for/which the exercise had been undertaken. Like in muslim school of thought, the “Ajaan” is not just a simple way of renouncing the name of “allah”, but there are defined way, with which it is to be recited and then the specific vibrations are generated which are pious for preaching. But in order to make the thing easy and accessible to all, these patterns/rhymes were written down in the form of language/words, but by just chanting those words time and again wont result anything, as our human system like music is universal in nature and language is area specific, so till the time the individual doesn’t knows the chords of the mantras, he/she will fail to strike the right chord resulting which the entire exercise would be futile.
I leave my readers with a thought, would request you to write in words of how the bell in temple sounds or how they can try and write down the way the buddhist monks recite their mantra, not just the words which they say but also the rhyme with which they are reciting those mantras.